CBD oil/tinctures/eliquid

19 Nov 2009
NB: This thread has Admin approval. It is about *legal* (in the UK) CBD products. Please don't discuss illegal (in the UK) cannabis, THC etc because it's a PITA for the mods and will probably result in the thread being locked.

Now that's out of the way, does anyone here use any CBD products? I've been looking into them over the past week because I've been having trouble sleeping at night.

There are so many different products and suppliers out there at the moment that I don't know where to start. Can anyone recommend anything?
Thanks for the replies. I'm only looking at this as a short-term thing. The sleep loss is starting to affect me during the day, when I really need to be at my best because of my caring responsibilities. As I see it, CBD is the lesser of the evils.

I'm aware that as a fairly new industry to the UK, many of the products might be crap. One of the reasons I'm looking for advice is to avoid those products/suppliers.

Does anyone have any specific products they can recommend?
I mean when I had trouble sleeping i found nytol always gave me a good nights sleep. But I suppose, CBD is natural so could always give it a go. It's not difficult to find and seems cheap enough if you want to try it

Cheers, yes that's my thinking. I'd rather take a more natural remedy if I can.

I added a bit to my post afterwards, about avoiding crap products.
Ask your pharmacist ? My local one stocks CBD products and I've been queuing in there when someone was asking about it for helping her sleep at night.

"Covonia Night Time" is what my wife uses when she's having trouble sleeping.

Thanks. The pharmacist will likely just recommend whatever brand they stock. I'm wondering if anyone with experience of many brands & products has anything specific they would recommend.
I recall reading that most over the counter cbd products contain little, if any, cbd. If I were looking at this for myself I'd be looking for a pharmaceutical product rather than something you buy from a corner shop.

My local vape shop sells 30ml bottles of "pharmaceutically tested" full spectrum CBD oil (not for vaping) in three different strengths (300mg, 600mg and 1200mg I think). I have no idea how good it is though or how valid the claims are.
Then go see your GP and follow their advice. However if they give you drugs it's likely going to be the same however they will be free well they are here in Scotland. Better than paying £60 for some placebo oil.

I'd also look at your current diet, sleeping situation and habits. I had a guy at work who claimed he couldn't sleep. I say claimed as he was a pathological liar who ended up attacking a female colleague with a knife then threatening another before he was taken to court then sacked after being found guilty. He however used to drink and I'm not exaggerating either 4-5 cans of high strength energy drinks per work day. I'm guessing that may have had something to do with at least 1 of his issues but I'd look at alternatives to drugs for your situation.

Yoga, meditation, etc.

Yoga is a lot more than stretching they can teach you breathing techniques that make you fall asleep within 2 minutes. I'd honestly look into all those options first before drugs.

I will see my GP if it continues but I want to try something OTC first. My diet is fine thanks and I'm normally quite healthy but caring for someone with dementia through a pandemic is stressing me out just a bit and doesn't leave me much time for yoga and such.

Anyway, if I want medical advice then I'll ask my Doctor. Can we get back on topic please?
I did a fair amount of research and just started using a high quality CBD oil around 10 days ago - based on recommendations and avoiding places like Amazon.

500mg Raw & Full Spectrum CBD Oil (10ml) | 5% CBD Oil. Each drop contains an estimated 2.5mg of Cannabinoids. This product contains less than 0.2% THC. My next order, i will likely go towards the 10 or 15%.

Its too early to provide benefits, however i have noticed a change in my sleeping pattern. However, i did not buy it for this reason.

Thanks Kai. What brand did you get?

Ask them about "white balance" while you're there. ;)

I was diagnosed over the phone with polymyalgia rheumatica back last September and had a 2 or 3 day wait to see the GP to get my steroid tablets, the only effective first line treatment. The first day after my diagnosis I was pretty much rooted to the armchair, the pain was terrible in my hips and shoulders and trying to sleep was a nightmare.

I did my research that day and decided to try vaping cbd liquid so I selected a cbd supplier and bought a vaping pen on Amazon. On day 2 it all arrived, I had to be helped from the chair by my wife to sign for the items, the pain and stiffness was so bad.
I started vaping that evening and by bedtime I could walk up the stairs unaided. I continued vaping next morning, the relief from pain and stiffness was astonishing. I was still in pain but nothing like I'd been the previous 2 days, of course once the steroids took effect I was much improved.

I notice that when I stop vaping the pain and stiffness gradually return to some degree over a couple of days but I improve when I start again. I am now in the process of gradually reducing the steroids month by month and during the 1st week of tapering the dose I increase the cbd strength, I don't get any of the "flaring" of symptoms that most people seem to get when reducing the steroid dosage, for me vaping the cbd has been a game changer.
Sorry for the long and rambling post!

An interesting read. Great stuff, Footman.

If no-one has anything specific to recommend then I'll take a punt on what I get locally and perhaps buy some CBD isolate online (99% pure) to experiment with the strength until I find what works for me.
It's encouraging to see so many here benefiting from CBD. I'll have a proper read through tomorrow when I'm less cream-crackered. :)

Thanks for the recommendation, @NVP. Much appreciated.
My CBD isolate arrived today. I'm going to dissolve it in olive oil and make my own sublingual oil from it, aiming for ~30mg doses (I won't go into the details but from what I've read, that seems like a good middle-of-the-road dose for someone of my size. Edit: I'll be building up to that dose though, obviously, starting with half that or even less).

I slept well last night so I won't try it yet but it'll be there when I need it.
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It definitely works.

I dosed ~15mg three times tonight over 4 hours and only got angry at Question Time a couple of times, and then only mildly. And I feel quite tired, which is nice. :)
I've been looking at it for the same purpose. I haven't got any yet, because it's really expensive. You can get a range of sleep aids OTC at a pharmacy, why not talk to your pharmacists about it? (Just don't let them fob you off with the herbal garbage).

Cheers Jack. Speaking with the pharmacist was on the cards if my efforts proved fruitless but I may just have cracked it. I slept very soundly last night without feeling "knocked out" (also very important to me because I'm sometimes needed in the early hours). There don't seem to be any after-effects either - I feel pretty clear headed today. Marvellous.
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