CBF 125, annoying

4 Jan 2012
Sevenoaks, Kent
Hey guys, had a CBF125 for about 14 months now and noticed a few issues i'd like your opinions on. See if it's worth me mentioning it to the dealership where I purchased it from.

I clean the thing on a regular basis, has only just done 7000 miles and pretty much didn't use it during the winter (Due to being unemployed at the time). But it's started to rust in a few places and i'm quite upset about it.

Rust on the rear footpegs.

Paintwork that's chipping off of the exhaust.

Rust on some welding underneath. It's like this in a few places.

It's kept in a garage overnight and I tend to use FS365 on it too.

Oh and to top it off, my speedometer decided to stop working when I started the bike up this morning. :(
2 years unlimited mileage, parts and labour warranty and 2 years AA cover.

I got the bike 02/2013 brand new.
The speedo will be covered, the rust won't (to be honest yours is minimal to the rust seen on other CBF125).

It's a cheap bike, built with cheap parts using cheap labour.

Clean the bike down properly and cover with ACF50 which I find is far better than FS365 as it doesn't wash off as easily.
Air doesn't move around so much inside a garage.
You will pick up water and road crap whenever you ride.
Give the bike a quick dry-off before you put it away.
Ah, bugger, you're too far away for a free trip. I got a compressor and a tonne of ACF 50, wouldn't mind giving the bike a good healthy coating of the stuff which will stop any rusting and also tackle it.

Get your self some.
Yeah, would be a 160 mile round trip. Would be fun on a 125!

I think this must all mainly be a fault of my own then. I like the idea of a compressor and ACF50 rather than FS365 (as it's done a pretty bad job). No idea of what I'm looking at when it comes to buying on though, what do you use agnes?
Clean bike properly, removing all grime from everywhere. Spray on with ACF50 and wipe down. Avoid brakes and tyres!
It's a bike - it's meant to be used. The GS has a few spots here and thee after a couple of winters. I use ACF50 and it does help, but I dont fret about it. You can't see it when you're riding ;)
I've got a second hand 62 plate CBF125 that gets used every day regardless of weather (got soaked this afternoon actually). I never clean it, I never dry it, it's a tool to get me to work and back.

But mines not got rust like that, it's got it on the screws etc but it's common as it's a cheap bike. Been flawless too after 5.4k. Can't praise them enough personally.
Yes it does, mine like the rest of the bike, is filthy :p

Dirt is the best protection against rust, fact. (may not be true but that's what I tell myself..)
Yes it does, mine like the rest of the bike, is filthy :p

Dirt is the best protection against rust, fact. (may not be true but that's what I tell myself..)

Extended mudguards and huggers are essential if you plan on actually using a bike IMO.

The amount of crap they stop is incredible.
Just landed straight on my shoulder and had my head hit the floor.

Dislocated my shoulder too, but that popped back in on the ambulance ride! :P

I think I just hit some oil on the road, front tyre went from underneath me. It all went so fast!
ouch bad luck:eek::(

you'll soon mend;)

EDIT: you need to learn to scan the road for oil/diesel ect,dodged many a diesel patch
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Damn, unlucky! How bad is the damage?

Hope you don't mind me asking, speed?, leaning at the time?

I remember coming off on ice/corner on my 125, messed up my leaning confidence a fair bit!
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