4 Jan 2012
Sevenoaks, Kent
Just a quicky,

My step dad is selling his CBR600F as he doesn't really do bikes anymore and I'll be sitting my A2 in September (hopefully passing).

Is it at all possible to ride these bikes restricted on an A2? And if so, would you recommend it? If it's a yes to both of them, I'll be very tempted to buy it from him :cool:
As far as I understand it, so long as it weights more than 175kg and isn't more than double 47bhp as standard it can be restricted and ridden on an A2 license. So it certainly sounds hopeful. Just check the standard BHP
Seems i'm either useless or it's just impossible to find the correct weight and BHP.

Looked on a fair few sights and weight seems to be fine, but BHP seems to be 98+. So I'm guessing a no go =/
Depends on year but at glance they all seem around 100bhp so maybe a no go.

This isn't very scientific, but I can't find one on Ebay which probably means they don't exist and the CBR600F can't be restricted to 47.

On the plus side you can now by a ZXR400!
When looking for anything related to the CBR600F being restricted to 46BHP, it would just flag up with the older 33BHP restrictions, but it was complete different rules then wasn't it.

Only reason I was in a rush was because it would have been amazingly convenient to buy as it's already in my garage! :p
if it's an older F4/F4i like mine then it'll be 108bhp (1999-2005 ish)... if it's a newer one, think they're around 100bhp... even if it's an older F3 then think they're still over or around 100bhp... so, think you're scuppered tbh.
Yeah it's 1999. Asked my step dad, he said it was around 108BHP.

Makes me sad, thing just sits there, looking at me everyday I put my bike in the garage :(

Just gotta wait for some other bugger to come and buy it from him now!
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