CCTV overlooking my garden

11 Nov 2012
Hi guys

So I recently bought a house and we've been there for a few weeks now.

I've noticed what I believe to be a webcam/CCTV from a bedroom window pointing directly at our garden. I can't be 100 percent but I am fairly sure.

Should it be a cam, it would likely be wired as it is indoors behind their window. I'm unsure where I stand with this as it's sole purpose appears to be pointing at our garden.

I guess the first step would be to ask them about it, any other advice, things I need to know.

How would you approach this and what are my options should I not make any progress?
Anything interesting going on in your garden?

Could it be simply stored on the windowsill, the lens just happening to be pointed in your direction?

This is a possibility. It went into the window a couple of days ago and it was pointing into the sky lol. It is now pointing directly at our back it may be that it wasn't set up before...or as you said just stored there.

Since I can't be sure not sure how to approach it.
I think I might go introduce myself but not mention the cam yet. If they see I'm not evil it might resolve things and reassure them. They must feel threatened in some way.

Just need an excuse...any ideas...I'm your new's things going...want to come round for a bbq. Etc. Ideas?
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