CCTV setup



13 Apr 2004
I hope this is in the right section,if not please move for me.

I am looking into replacing my cctv camera which i bought about 7 years ago.
I am looking for a camera-
For outdoor use
With good night vision
Clear picture at upto 40 feet
With sound
Also would like something to record onto with good picture quality,but camera is main priority.The cheaper the better.
ajm said:
I hope this is in the right section,if not please move for me.

I am looking into replacing my cctv camera which i bought about 7 years ago.
I am looking for a camera-
For outdoor use
With good night vision
Clear picture at upto 40 feet
With sound
Also would like something to record onto with good picture quality,but camera is main priority.The cheaper the better.

just type home cctv into google and it comes up with loads of info/cameras.

I recently setup a cctv system on a pc...

basically 1 pci card and 1 wireless camera....

camera had night vision and picked up sound etc could be mounted etc etc

the pci card can be picked up from a well known auction site for around £20 - £30 shipped from the far east...

Plus you record directly to hdd, a 200g hdd could record consectively for 3 months...

Also you can access the camera wireless over the internet from remote locations...

Its very easy to setup basically just plug n play

Let me know if you would like any more info....
Thanks for the info xirokx but i don't really like the idea of wireless as i get interference from things in the house on my network now which might cause problems with the camera.The last thing i want is the image to disappear when something is happening on the camere.Thanks anyway.

I didn't find what i were looking for as most of the results were for installation.
u can have wired camera instead of wireless all thru ya pc...

your call

its cheap n cheerful and does practically what a cctv setup **** do....

good luck
I use to sell the basic domestic CCTV cameras years ago . I was amazed that people came from far and wide to buy these things for their homes.There were familys with problem neigbors , a guy who owned a caravan site , another who owned a scrap yard , all buying these things as a safe guard .I fitted a one in an office in the town together with a TV card and some software that would detect movement and e-mail the pictures to wherever or whoever. It worked very good too. It could also capture avi's as well as .jpgs. I have a few wireless ones I use myself [2.4h] but prefered the cable ones.They link up good with your Pc provided you have a TV card.
Thanks agian guys for the info but i would rather not go the pc route as i would have to leave my pc on all the time aswell.Any other suggestions?
Depends how mush cash you have!

Ive just costed a system for a friend, using our supplier at work.

2 * Sony Day night Cams
2 * Mid range lens
4 way DVR system
200 Gig HD

He wanted wireless too so i quoted for a wireless kit
with and extra sender

The whole lot caem to 590 + VAT.

But these are top quality cameras that will do a real job :)

IMO there is no point doing half a job with CCTV, its pointless watching someone damage your property but not being able to get a clear enough picture to get an ID.

Anything more specific you need give me ayell

If you want to see what's new in the market and prices etc have a look on e-bay . I did last night and was amazed at the developments and the cheap prices. I do like those hard disk recorders ,the cheapest ones are the four input models.I noticed some very cheap led lamps for night time viewing .
TBH for night time viewing the only way to get a good picture is
with "proper" security lighting ;)

The whole lot caem to 590 + VAT.

That doesn't seem too bad for what you are getting,but i don't need all that so it may be affordable to me.Can you post a website for this?

I don't like to use auction sites and would prefer not to have to use seperate led lamps for night time viewing.
Hmm interesting thread. Sorry to hijack, but I was wondering how much it would cost to buy a nightvision-type camera to watch my back garden.

I'm mainly interested in watching the wildlife come/go, but also something (or someone!) keeps stealing the fat balls I put out for the birds! I'm guessing a squirrel.. :mad:
Sorry mate been on holiday!

Comapny is Cop Security - but you need an account!

Have a browse round thou as it will give you ideas ;)

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