Cd Keys and Punkbuster

1 Jan 2004
I have just sold a copy of BF SF and the buyer, having installed, the game has just had his GUID banned. He blames me.

I assume he would need his own cd-key to run the game, but surely the GUID ban is down to cheats? Will I now be banned? :confused:
well if u look at the master ban list and put your pbguid there (if known) then u can find out why you are ban..
sativa said:
I assume he would need his own cd-key to run the game, but surely the GUID ban is down to cheats? Will I now be banned? :confused:

you souldnt need to have a different cdkey bt that cdkey is ban from online and more likely through cheating no puttin it on another computer
I thought so. 3 years on the online auction house, a lot of feedback, kept 100% and then some cheating brat kills it all after a tantrum :o I wouldn't mind, but he has over 100 feedback, 100% for the last 3 years.
pl. said:
you souldnt need to have a different cdkey bt that cdkey is ban from online and more likely through cheating no puttin it on another computer

Just a heads up mate, but your sig can only be 4 lines of text :) take alook at the FAQ's :)
sativa said:
I thought so. 3 years on the online auction house, a lot of feedback, kept 100% and then some cheating brat kills it all after a tantrum :o I wouldn't mind, but he has over 100 feedback, 100% for the last 3 years.

i really wouldn't worry about the feedback issue. i was mega carefull with mine while it was 100%. after the first time some idiot threw a fit that could easily have been resolved by mail, and tarnished my 100% record i started to care less. i still give my buyers the same high level of care but nobody is gonna care that you get a tiny amount of bad feedback. so long as you stay in the high 90's.
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