CD Project Red to be fined years revenue...

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
So, not sure if this has been posted, but here it is:

My girlfriend is Polish and regularly tells me how their government is heavily corrupt and really crooked (doesn't surprise me, find me one in this world that isn't???).

But, this time it seems the Polish government has found a loop hole that means CDPR could be fined a years revenue! In my eyes, the Polish government has seen the company make HUGE amounts on Witcher 3, rightfully so, and as a result, got their crack team to tear down their paperwork and find something they have missed or a loop hole to cash out on their success.

if they have used a loophole fair enough, but all that will do is move CDPR out of Poland and into a market that wont possibly be as corrupt. They should move to the UK big business seems to get away with tax avoidance here :p

Yea, literally first thing I said! They will simply jump to a different country.
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