CD Rewriter has slowed down big time...

1 Dec 2005
Hi guys I need some advice on something. My PC Specs are

512 Ram
2.4 CPU
80 Hard disk etc...

When I first got the PC my cd - r was really fast now it takes nearly an hour to burn a standard CD.

Could the drive be coming to and end or does it have something to do with how much I have on my pc. I only have bout 10gb of space free on my hard disk, any help guys... :)
Do you have Starforce protection installed on your pc.. if so it could be this thats slowing it down.
ok, starforce is part of some games copy protection.

Have you installed any games which could possibly have it bundled with them?

Easiest way to check is goto control panel, and add remove programs, see if its mentioned in there.

If it is you can remove it, but remember anygames associated with it will fail to work.

I havent heard of a cd-rw slowing down before dieing, they normally just give up the ghost.
check that the cd is still in DMA mode under windows.

if windows hits a couple of errors or so when reading/writing cd's it'll revert the drive to PIO mode and stick with that thereafter.
you have to manually reset it.
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