CD's or Downloads

1 May 2006
Bristol, UK
Just come cross This Thread and it got me to thinking. How many people actually pay to download music from the internet which have severe limitations on what you can do with the tracks as opposed to buying the CD's and ripping them yourself! The poor bloke in the aforementioned thread cant even play the tracks that he downloaded from tesco!

We all remember the days of Napsters illegal dealings...Naughty Naughty! But now, they're being good boys and charging you for downloading tracks from them. £9.99 a month is a damn good price to pay to be able to download an unlimited number of tracks. But can you do anything with them? Nope. Unless you count playing them in Napsters....RUBBISH...mp3 player and being able to transfer the tracks to all 10 (I know theres more but I'm making a point here) of Microsoft Certified 'Plays For Sure' mp3 players. And guess what happens when you stop paying the £9.99 a month after two years of downloading hardly anything since your first binge in the first month...oh look...your tracks don't work anymore. Sorry!

I'm getting overly concerned about how tight most companies are becoming. I mean, when you 'buy' a track or an album, be it online for download or a CD from a shop, you expect to be able to do what you like with it. Not have loads of limitations forced upon you.

I, personally, buy CD's. I know it defeats the object of digital music, but at least I know that I'm not going to get a "DRM Protected Media" error.

I know this is a very controversial topic so it would be very interesting to hear others views.
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