Ceiling speakers (bathroom/kitchen)

Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
Anyone got/used any in ceiling speakers?
quite tempted to get some in the bathroom and kitchen when we get round to decorating them.

there appears to be all ssorts of ranom cheapies on eBay and I cant work out if the random £14 ones are the same as others are selling for more.

Cheers :)
cheers mate :)
the KEFs look far better than the ebay cheapies but £45 a piece and I was looking at 4 for the bathroom alone :( Might try cheapies first and see how they fare lol.

Have you used any of the ones on AQSound?
Be careful with these if you are fitting them to habitable rooms that are situated above as the sound is supposedly meant to leak upwards too. I imagine this would be very annoying.

I'm looking at some for my new lounge where the speaker placement would be less than ideal but our bedroom is directly above. There are products which are essentially cones that dampen the sound but I have no idea how good they are. I would be interested to hear peoples experience with them.
I was thinking about doing this to and one thread i saw said to not bother with expensive speakers as bathroom walls tend to bounce sound so much you will not get any great benefit.
Maybe someone can confirm if that is true and save you a few quid.
Good call on the sound leaking, but its on the top floor so above them is the loft, as long as this doesn't act as one huge amp then I should be fine.
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