Ah the good old days, when Star Wars films were good.
Rogue One was pretty decent tbh... sure the first of the new ones was cringy but the old ones aren't exactly great movies anymore, they're more riding on the hype/nostalgia etc...
Don't get me wrong on this, I do *like* them and can see how they *were* great (for their time) but they're not all that amazing anymore.
Yes I could sit there as a critic but, going back to your original criticism, I cannot think of a sci-fi series of the last few years better plotted and captured old and young audiences? If so, I am interested to know!
But that's relative, which is sort of the point, I'm not denying that it was good for it's time and captured those audiences etc... I'm saying they're not exactly all that amazing anymore, lots of nostalgia and hype plays into it I feel as in they were groundbreaking and very successful etc.. and have earned that place in cinema history.
A classic is a classic no matter its age. Whether its something modern audiences would watch or can relate to now isn't the point.