Cellar management software

18 Sep 2003
I'm looking for a system to keep track of the wines I own - ideally web-based. Is Cellartracker the way to go, or are there better alternatives out there? I've got the week off, so it feels like a good opportunity to get on top of the hundred or so bottles I've got kicking around.

What does everyone on here use?

Thanks for the advice - I'll give cellartracker a go. I don't doubt that building my own spreadsheet/database would do the trick, but I assumed there would be a decent free off-the-shelf solution. I've got loads of odd bottles that came as gifts or are the last of a case that I haven't kept notes for.

For those that wanted photos, here's a quick one of my rackspace. I've also got some cases and oversize bottles that I haven't racked.

I'm sure some of the guys on here have some substantially more serious stashes.
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