CellFactor DEMO now up

Oh noes!!! Its going to be just like in the old days - "I'm not going buy a dedicated graphics card just to play games!" :p
I've kidnapped my old physics teacher and put him in the PC.

Should run in compatibility mode :eek:
Pfft, who needs a processor to do the physics. Just give me the numbers and i'll calculate em myself. SUVAT and all that. :p

Can someone confirm that i can play this without a PPU?
Booner! said:
You can now download the Cellfactor Demo BUT you need a Physx Card to run it i believe. looks an awesome game, but im not buying a physx for just one game :p

Download Here

You "NEED" a physx card? wheres the marketing in that? not everyone owns a physx card
You just add EnablePhysX=false to the shortcut to disable the need for a physx card I think, will confirm once it's downloaded.
I was put off by the fact you could'nt use this with out a pyhics card but now it appears you can i think i'll give it a try.

462MB in 15 mins :D i love it when NTL up the speeds hehe

So is it playable without the card ?
PiKe said:
Yes, but turn off cloth, it glitches and slows things down to a crawl.

how do i go about turning it off ? i can't see anything about it in ingame options

never mind i found it hehe :rolleyes:
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PiKe said:
I get anything from 9fps to 40fps on an X2 4200 and a7900gtx for what its worth.

no idea what fps i was getting but dont think it went as bad as 9fps but then again i was running the game in pretty low settings.

I dont think the game is that good, the pyhsics are nice but its nothing which makes me want to go out and buy the game or even one of them silly cards to run it proper.

Im put my money away for DX10 :D and hopefully Dual CPU's will be used more effectively by then also which will mean these cards wont really be needed.
the whole point of this new demo is to allow people without a PPU to run it with cloth turned on - basically to prove that you do need a PPU for some things.

If that was the point it would run without needing to use the switch in the shortcut.

We should have a game online.
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