CentOS 6.x MTA setup

19 Feb 2010
Hi all,

I've been bashing my head against a wall the past 2 days trying to get my mail server working properly, involving 2 rebuilds. I'll say straight away that I'm comfortable with Linux but mail is definitely not my forté.

The last guide I tried was this one:


I got an online looking glass to confirm that everything looks good, it's not an open relay, TLS is supported...

I can send mail fine to any external recipient but can't receive it. I tried commenting out the various additions in the postfix.cf file to see if they made any difference but no joy.

I telnet to my mail server on port 25, try to send a test mail and it gets accepted (says ok, queued...) but never arrives at the user inbox.

A test online from a tools site shows:

 SMTP Reverse Banner Check OK - X.X.X.X resolves to ########.org
 SMTP Reverse DNS Mismatch OK - Reverse DNS matches SMTP Banner 
 SMTP TLS OK - Supports TLS. 
 SMTP Connection Time 1.232 seconds - Good on Connection time 
 SMTP Open Relay OK - Not an open relay. 
 SMTP Transaction Time 3.557 seconds - Good on Transaction Time

As with every guide I've tried, there are a few things that aren't exactly as they are in the document which makes me suspicious so I'm wondering if anyone could point me to a solid, sane, working guide for CentOS 6.x that will help me setup:

- Postfix
- AV
- Spamassassin
- Dovecot
- Roundcube

I don't mind rebuilding (again) if someone has a sane document. A few I tried following on howtoforge seem to make you install a mountain of stuff that really isn't needed IMO. Virtuals (ie: database driven users rather than real ones) would be nice but I'm not that bothered if I only do local users.

FTR I'm using the 6.2 Centos build on a Linode VPS. I did remove the postfix build that comes with that image (rpm -e --nodeps postfix) before starting.

If anyone could help remove the headache this is giving me I'd be forever grateful. I just need a n00b idiot-proof guide. :)
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OK the issue is that SQLGrey keeps dying for some reason, so postfix rejects the mails (found this after looking at logs and after disabling the check_policy_service part).

Ho hum, I'll do without it for now and try to figure out what's causing it to die.
Sorted... Rebuilt and read some docs/manuals. When I got to it, running SQLGrey without daemonising it showed me the problem(s). Also, none of the walkthroughs mentioned that changing your MAIL environment variable for users might actually be a good idea if they want to use command line mail programs. :mad:

Flippin' heck, snapshot coming up now it's working!!! :)
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