Centre speaker tinny/crackly

27 Dec 2005
My Tannoy centre speaker (from Tannoy SFX5.1) is really tinny, crackly and trebbly at times. Not all the time, but on and off regularly. Replaced it with one of the satellites which is fine so can confirm it's not the amp/cable. Is there anything I can do to fix it or is it a gonner? I know it's not exactly high-end anyway, bought the 5.1 set for £169 in 2013... :D
It sounds like you might have a problem with the drive to the midrange speaker, or a problem with the midrange speaker itself. That's a bit unusual TBH. If there's a driver that normally goes first in a speaker, then it's the tweeter rather than the mid/bass units.

You could go through the process of stripping the speaker and checking the driver and the crossover components, but whether that's something you want to do- or have the skills to do- is up to you. The quick solution though is to pick up a replacement centre. Tannoy SFX speakers either in complete kit or individual units are available on Ebay. There's a centre on right now for a BIN of £30.00
My Tannoy centre speaker (from Tannoy SFX5.1) is really tinny, crackly and trebbly at times. Not all the time, but on and off regularly. Replaced it with one of the satellites which is fine so can confirm it's not the amp/cable. Is there anything I can do to fix it or is it a gonner? I know it's not exactly high-end anyway, bought the 5.1 set for £169 in 2013... :D

Quite willing to have a look at it for you. I'm not far away.
Speakers are kinda my thing... I have millions, and tinkering is sort of a hobby
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