Cereal bar things, any good recipes?

15 Oct 2003
Anyone here make their own cereal bars?
I've started making to take to work in the mornings but was looking for some variety...
Works out a good bit cheaper than buying individually and they are damn tasty, not terribly bad for you either.

The recipe I'm using at the moment is a slightly modified Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall one, I really like it but am just wanting a change.

Basic recipe (from memory so it is inaccurate)
150g mixed seeds and nuts
150g dried cranberry
125g unsalted butter
200g oats
125g-ish crunchy Peanut butter
Zest 1 x Lemon and 1 x Orange
75g honey
Unremembered quantity (200g-ish?) soft brown sugar..

Basically a case of melt it all in a pan on a very low heat. Mix the oats, nuts, fruit in well. Compress into a smallish tray after mixing, bake this at 160c for around 20 minutes, leave 'til cold then cut into bar form.

I rarely eat breakfast before going to work, so something in easy to eat bar form is the way forward.
Are quite good for taking out whilst on the bike also. :)

If you have a decent recipe, let me know please!
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