
10 Mar 2003
Just a weird question, I'm doing the folding at home project and the united devices cancer project, with united devices you get to input your address with foldng you don't.

What I'm trying to get at is that on here I've seen a few posts saying that the postman has delivered certificates - do you mean you've got the certs from the website or actually delivered and if so how have you had the folding certs delivered as it doesn't have anywhere you can put you addy?

Strange question I know!
Well when I originally read it, it seemed to be an excellent touch and I wanted to get the results quicker!

I've decided that until I get my two computers sorted in my new place (next couple of weeks) I'm going to be doing a week of United Devices Cancer Research then a week of folding.

This week is U.D. I'll change my signature to represent what I'm doing week in, week out - running them both at the same time doesn't really work as UD uses more CPU than Folding for some reason... once I have both machines up I'll run them in parallel...
Hi Mate

I tried that but it still didn't share the cpu fairly - UD tried to take over - lol

It also didn't seem to even out as well - if I had UD on it's own it ran fairly quick with folding on it ran like a dog and so did folding if I have folding on it's own it runs quick - sure theres a reason though.. somewhere...
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