Chain cleaner

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Argh! I forgot how much commuting ruins everything on a bike lol. I'm having to adjust/clean my chain every weekend it seems. Last weekend I just went at it with WD40 and then sprayed on my chain wax once I was happy. However, I don't think that's cutting it.

Any suggestions? I need something that will cut through thick grease and crap.

Yep they really work, cleans my chain up perfectly :)

Doesn't it leave like one half of the chain un touched as all the bristles will be swept backwards? Unless you push forward and back along the chain and do it like that?

Worth the investment? What cleaner do you use with it?
Sweet, stopping by a bike shop on the way home, think they have them in stock. Will give it a shot tomorrow :)

I will post results :P I'm very anal about my chain lol
I'm a paraffin user. That and an old toothbrush :)

Normally get a big tub from B&Q for a few squids, and that'll last me a year or two. One of the only places that still deliver if you order off the interwebs too :)

How do you apply it to the chain? Use a spray bottle or just a rag?

I might pick some up, the can of chain cleaner I picked up for the weekend just gone, was all used in one sitting... £6.50 down the drain, did an 'ok' job.
I tip some into a bowl, place the bowl under the rear sprocket to catch drips, then just keep dipping my toothbrush while scrubbing :)

Makes sense.

My 748S, I rode all year, commuting, I used to clean it using WD40 and a brush. But it was never really that great and I only ever used Wurth Dry chain lube, so had to clean the chain weekly. The 1098S, cleaned weekly as well, unless I didn't ride it.

The multi... Seeing as I really bought it for a commuting/touring bike, I don't want to spend every waking minute at the weekends cleaning it and making sure it isn't going to throw a hissy fit because I left a bit of grit. So I'm really looking for the most effective solution for cleaning and then lube. I'm very happy with the WD40 chain wax, it does fling a bit. But I'd rather that than no protection.
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Yea, Wurth dry chain lube is amazing, but you have to reapply every few hundred miles, even sooner if it rains :( Great for track bikes though.
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