Chain length for -1 +2/3

30 Oct 2014
Hi everyone. I am looking to get a new chain and sprocket set for my 04 plate k3 gsxr 1000. As the title suggests I would like to alter the gearing whilst I am at it. Would i need a non standard chain length to suit the gearing suggested in the title? Also where would be the best place to by a kit that I know would be right, rather than me ordering the bits separately and risk ordering the wrong ones!

Would my speedo be massively out requiring a healer to correct? I cannot afford to be done for speeding again :(
Thanks for any help.
it would throw your speedo out,not by a lot I would imagine but idk

think you can buy chains with 3 or 4 extra links in,stock chain might fit but you'd have less adjustment
It depends on how much chain adjustment you have. The pitch of a standard 500 series chain is 5/8 inch or just under 16mm, and a full link is double this (~32mm). If you add one tooth to a sprocket, the chain would need an extra 1/2 link to wrap all the way around, but in use the chain only wraps half way around the sprockets. This means one extra tooth will use up 8mm of extra chain length, and because that length is shared between the top and bottom chain runs, it means the sprockets will be moved closer together by 4mm.

Therefore if you go down by 1 on the front, and up by 3 on the back the rear wheel would need to move forwards by (3-1)*4mm = 8mm, assuming the chain stays the same length. If you add an extra link to the chain (~32mm) the wheel will need to move back by (32/2)-8 = 8mm.
If you're buying an aftermarket chain they usually come in fixed lengths so you'll have some scope for working out which length works best with the new sprocket combo.

If you've got a chain splitter (or know someone who does) you'll be able to start with chain too long then split it where it looks ok and pop half the rivet link in and see how the chain tension looks.

I used to get my chain kits from B&C Express, they know their stuff there and stock virtually every chain and sprocket combo you can think of.
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