Chain Rust

2 May 2004
I gave my chain a good clean a few months ago (I hadn't had it too long, but it needed it).

I applied Wurth Dry Lube which rates really highly and was recommended by a few people.

A couple of months later I'm seeing signs of rust, even after further applications of the Wurth lube & cleaning. It wipes off fairly easily at the moment, but I'm worried about it getting inside and destroying the chain & other parts.

The bike does stay outside under a cover every night.

Any suggestions?

I cleaned & lubed again about 3 weeks ago (120 miles or so) and it's already showing signs of rust again, so will need to do it again this weekend!

That's a bit quick for it to be starting to rust, surely?
Thanks for all the comment/suggestions. I've cleaned it again with some wire wool & chain cleaner. Nice & shiny again now, but not sure for how long!

I did put a bit of WD on the more badly affected areas, so hopefully that will help.
Wire wool seems to have worked nicely, after almost 3 weeks now it's still looking good.

One thing I have noticed though is 2-3 of the links are seized/stuck. As per recommendation I cleaned those areas again, oiled, etc. but they're nicely stuck at the moment!

Is this something that I should be able to fix with a load of WD40/cleaner/oil or is this a case for a new chain?

Thanks again for all the comments etc :)
Nope, not really, it still has life in it so would really like to avoid replacing it yet, especially as I'd need to do the sprockets at the same time.

I've not really got experience in replacing parts on the bike, is it fairly straight forward to do myself? Obviously for cheapness, but also for the experience.

What oil would you recommend? It's an o-ring chain.

I'm wondering if a few hours of WD40 work would help this problem / be safe for the chain? Not doubting the guys above that suggested WD40 for cleaning, but I'm just a bit wary of soaking the chain in it for hours / overnight? Saying that, this post does make me a bit happier about using WD on it:

Apologies for the newbie questions, I'm new to biking (and loving it! :D) and want to learn about the bike for future rather than letting the shop sort it out all the time! :)

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So we've ruled out vegetable oil & tea :p

Hmm, doesn't sound like a job that I should be doing then really, especially with such little experience at bike repair.

What would be a good price for a sprocket/chain replacement + labour? The bike shop said about £75 last time I asked about just the chain, I reckon that'd double at least with sprockets as well. I'm not sure if that's expensive or not really as there aren't any other shops to compare to around here.

Will the cheap grocery store oil be alright on an o-ring chain?
Will definitely have to get a Scottoiler when I get my big bike, they sound excellent :)

Thanks very much for the help, think I will go for the soaking it route as the back end above the wheel needs a good clean, lots of hard to reach places that get particularly muddy in the weather we've had recently.
I just recently tried Silkolene chain lube as a last resort before moving away from bike specialized chain lubes because imo they're useless (as chain starts to corrode overnight after the slightest bit of damp/wetness!), and tbh it seems to be miles better than, Wurth and Castrol.

Next time I run out though, I'm gonna to get myself some of this. I used it on my pushbike about 5 months ago which regularly gets left outside a few weeks at a time and has stood In pouring rain and snow, yet the chain still looks like I greased it yesterday!. And it's anti-fling so It should stick to the chain.

Proper farmers stuff :p. Does sound good though.

I've just found 500ml of Wurth cleaner + 500ml of Wurth lube for a very good price.

Hmm, which to get!
Ok, no luck with the kinked chain unfortunately.

I have found a chain & sprocket kit for the bike for £35 which I could then ask the shop to fit for me and pay the labour (if they're happy to do that, will need to speak to them).

Is £35 a bit cheap for a chain & sprocket kit? I don't want to put anything on there that's not going to last or perform nicely.

I know Draegar mentioned it is quite a hassle to fit chain & sprocket myself, but I can't see the bike shop charging me any less than ~£80 to do it for me. I'm having to be very tight with my money at the moment, so if I can do it myself then I will. Can anyone recommend a decent splitter/rivet tool? Or is it really not worth even trying myself?

Meh, saying that my next bike will probably have and endless chain anyway so I might end up spending £50 on a rivet/splitter tool that I'll never use again! Hmmmm

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pity u were not closer .. its a quick easy job .. more so on a 125 .. but £35 sounds about right for a 125

I'm guessing it's just a case of having the right tools?

Problem is, a chain rivet/split tool isn't cheap and would likely only be used this once as the bike I will be getting will surely have an endless chain.

Can you recommend any rivet/splitter tools?
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