chains and sprockets

19 Jul 2011
Bikes in at the bike shop for them to repair the rearset (footpeg was snapped after Mister RAC dropped the bike). Ducati 996 Yr2000. They're also quoting for a couple of other things too.

I like the dealer I'm using but some of the parts prices are eyewatering. Nearly 300 quid for a set of sprockets and chain, not including the fitting. Whereas I can find Renthal sets (front, rear and chain) for around half that.

Now I don't know much about chains and sprockets, but I figure I should do considering the cost of them.

I know the bike has 15T (teeth?) at the front, and 36T at the rear, and apparently I can choose a 14T for the front for better acceleration at the expense of top speed (I've never hit my bikes top speed anyhow!) - but there's also this 525 / 520 pitch option - whats that about?

What else do should I know?

Oh and while we're at it the replacement alternator is just under £300 quid, I can get one from the manufacturer for £100. That kinda bites.
I've got paddock stands, haynes manual and torque wrench etc. I reckon I'll get them just to fix the rearsets and I'll do the chain over the winter.

As for the alternator, I might as well do that too. I did the rectifier and wiring for it already.
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