- poker freeroll

13 Feb 2003
Anyone else doing this?

I know there are quite a few students here, and quite a few people who like poker, I'm just not sure on the intersection! ;)

tournament starts in about 2h45 :cool:
Gilly said:
THis only available to filthy students?

Yes :rolleyes:

Im registered for the London one. Normally avoid freerolls in all honesty as its a bit too gung ho and inconsistent for my liking due to people going all in with poor hands. Have more success in terms of profit at SnG's.
vaultingSlinky said:
Whats the difference between SnG (i assume sit and go) and freerolls. Just the fact its free to enter?

Ive been playing a fair bit, but not for real money lol, im too scared to lose it all! :eek:

im registered as slinky_ so i hope i end up playing a few of you, gl and hf for those who have entered :D

Sit and Go's normally have less people, typically 6 or 12. A lot quicker especially during Turbo ones and normally more chance of winning a prize. For instance a $5+50c tournament will pay the top 2 places with prizes of $21 and $9 respectively which is quite profitable for 45 mins playing :)

Edit: Just seen you are in the London lobby as well, my nick is Mada05.
Adam said:
Sit and Go's normally have less people, typically 6 or 12. A lot quicker especially during Turbo ones and normally more chance of winning a prize. For instance a $5+50c tournament will pay the top 2 places with prizes of $21 and $9 respectively which is quite profitable for 45 mins playing :)

Edit: Just seen you are in the London lobby as well, my nick is Mada05.

What does the +50c bit mean? I guess that the $5 means you have to stick in $5 to start?
Thats correct, the first part is the fee to enter the tournament which will be dished out as price money whereas the smaller figure is the cut for the house (think of it as a fee for hosting the tournament).
I havent even been able to see the flop yet, just the same 2/3 people reraising one another, just had a pot with 3 guys all in within the first round. Not looking good for me.
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