Champagne Advice

24 Sep 2008
I need to get a couple for gifts, looking to spend between £20-£30, i live near all the major supermarkets.

I have looked at Mumm Cordon Rouge Champagne from tesco for £25 and Etienne Dumont Vintage for £20.

Any advice?
Veuve is by far the best of the 'basic' champagnes, by a considerable margin.

I have been very impressed Sainsburys 'Bland de Noir' which I tried recently. May not look flash, but it has the characteristics of a far finer bottle. Good stuff.
Can I just put my hand up and say, as per my point being that champagne is very individual - I don't like Veuve.

My favourite big name non-vintage stuff is Duval-Leroy, followed by Tattinger & Gosset.
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