Change canon ip4500 print quality settings on mac os x ?

7 Aug 2004
As title, im trying to print some photos on my canon ip4500, but there is nothing in OSX or the driver software that will let me specify what print quality to use ? like fine photo print for example....all I can find is in

print and fax settings --> print queue ---> utility --> paper allocation,

now all these options only allow me to change the printer paper long to turn on auto off, and ink level information :confused::rolleyes:

fat lot of use that is, I want lots of detailed settings for print quality, DPI, paper information, etc, just like in windows, I KNOW this printer is good, but at these 'standard' settings with paper set to 'glossy photo', im just getting run of the mill, 2 second print time jobs....

Why on earth can I not change stuff ? Any ideas ?
Whenever you click on Print in the File menu or a Print icon in the toolbar, a window pops down and you can see an arrow on the right side of your available printers. By clicking on that arrow, you can access the more advanced print settings :)

You don't see the above arrow? :o

As far as I know, it's the only place where you can access your printer's advanced settings :(
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