Change/check timezone in php.ini for a wordpress website

6 Nov 2004
Hi guys i'm a bit stuck with this one and google doesn't seem to give me clear instructions unless i'm too stupid to understand them!

Just trying to fix all issues/problems with my wordpress website and a developer of one of my plugins has said my timezone is set wrong in my php.ini.

All i'm wanting to do is identify where to find my php.ini and how to edit it to the correct timezone.
Also what would I do exactly? (Assume i'm a total idiot and don't know anything).

Make a text file called php.ini and put the correct text into their and just upload to the root directory?
So I download that first link rename it to php.ini and change line 915 and upload to root directory?

Will a default file not mess around with/change another other settings I may have?
I just asked support and they said you cannot change server timezone apparently... I cannot browse the /etc/ folder.
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