Changed from £10 speakers to Logitech Z3e - BASS TOO BIG - Help Me

31 May 2005
Having used some £10 speakers for the last 4 years, I picked up the Logitech Z3e 2.1 set today. OH MY WORD. Never realised how cack a doodle doo my old speakers were.

The problem is, Its 22.30 in the evening and I want to watch some stuff with the speakers as my headphones are pap but the Bass on this thing is huge, have turned it down via the controller on the back yet it still sounds HUGE.

My concern is for the next door neighbours.

Semi-Detached victorian house so the walls are solid, with an internal wall (Hallway) and concrete floor with laminate on top seperating us.

Anything I can adjust?

It has been noted to look for a sub with on/off button when looking for next speaker set :)

Its fine in the day, just not sure about the evening.

Does the bass actually travel far at low volumes? Excuse the noobish question.

Many Thanks

With every sound system I have ever had, I always have the bass at almost minimum, anything else completley drowns out the music.
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