Changed from Sky to O2 now connection massively unstable.. why?

31 Jul 2004
Basically just that, I switched from Sky to O2 partly for cost and partly because my father in law joined and was very happy with the service.

But since the switch my connection has been awful.. blisteringly fast for 10 minutes then up and down like a hookers pants and then slow and then gone etc.

I've tried 2 different routers now (one o2 and 1 dlink) and both the same..

Any suggestions? I recall doing something with sky to turn the speed down a bit and something to do with noise on the line.. could that be it?

The guy who owned the house before me was an electrician but I swear he did his DIY drunk so my main BT point is upside down and a bit dodgy looking, could that be it? How much would BT charge the renew it?

Sorry for all the questions but I've got to spit it all out before the connection goes down again!
gone and back again...

another thing is that it often only works in the 2nd browser window you open and sometimes only in that window (ie open another and that times out whilst the working one stays working) ??? very odd.
well I'll update myself :)

O2 contacted BT because they said there was a fault on the line and I was all "yeah right" and the guy came out tonight and he spent about 2 hours faffing with the box on the street then knocked on the door to say they would be digging the street up!!!!

lols! :)
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