Changed my steering bearings but...

Assue you're on about steering head bearings here?

If so they shouldn't be notchy, they should go from lock to lock all smoothly. i *think* how i last did mine was do them finger tight (as tight as i could with hands) and then i used a screwdriver and a hammer on the nothes on the cover that goes on the headbearings (as the steering stem comes up from below and the cover tightens onto it to secure it) - just to get them 1/4 of a turn extra and so and the washer you fold up to lock it into place would fit right. Not too tight as that will knacker the bearings up quickly.

Somebody else will come along to confirm it or to tell you how to do it properly. I seem to remember the torque setting for the cover is quite low hence finger right and a notch extra.

make sense?
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Mine were notchy hence the race bearing replacement, it was a real b***h to get the bottom cup out :D

Sorry I was't clear enough, I guess I meant the stiffness of how the steering feels without load to the front, I have the correct torque setting but the handling just doesn't feel as solid as it did before the notchyness became apparent.

When you have ridden the same bike for 4-5 years you know how it should feel and is disconcerting when the feedback of anything is... well... just wrong :D

I'll give your method a go and see how it feels :D
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If you aren't get much feel through the steering then it strongly suggests the bearings are too tight. You don't usually tighten the stem nut to a specific torque; much better to simply adjust it in small increments until there is no detectable play at the bottom of the forks (obviously you have to raise the front of the bike up to do this). Also each time you check, tighten the lock nut as well as this will tighten up the bearings.

You are aiming to remove all the play from the bearings but without significantly pre-loading them.
It felt too lose according to the prescribed torque, tried helpimcrap's method and its too tight, steering just feels like its not going to turn although it does. There's no play either way though so I am trying to get some where in between

From what you guys are saying it sounds like its just going to be down to my preference on finding the sweet spot for what I am used to :D
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