Changes in the law with regards to filtering

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I came across this article here:

It's probably old (sorry if it is) but I think it's a good step in the right direction. :)

"If you are filtering past traffic which is stopped or almost stopped and someone pulls out in front of you close enough that you cannot avoid a collision when travelling at a reasonable speed then the responsibility for the collision rests squarely with the other driver"

Obviously a lot of that is still open to interpretation, and hopefully this will mean that bikers don't think they have a carte blanche to filter like dickheads - but it's still a good step in the right direction in giving bikers a little more defense. :)
Haha! It came in my news feed of new articles :confused: ah well, still good to remind ourselves that as long as we are not dicks when filtering we should be okay, that's if we've been noticed of course!
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