Changing an iFrame from an iFrame?

Have a look at this and try something like this:

<LI><A HREF="BeaverHabitat.html" TARGET="BeaverFacts">Habitats</A>
<LI><A HREF="BeaverEat.html" TARGET="BeaverFacts">Food</A>
<LI><A HREF="BabyBeavers.html" TARGET="BeaverFacts">Baby Beavers</A>

    WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=200>
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Yea, that's the code to change and iFrame from a normal page.

The problem with putting that code in another iFrame to change the iFrame is that the name="" isn't actually defined on that particular page meaning it cannot change it :(

Wouldn't this be classed as cross site scripting? I assume it's not possible for security reasons. Each iframe is a session in it's own right isn't it?
Not sure, I think this can probably be done using javascript on the page that's holding both the iFrames??

Anyway, I've adjusted the page so it doesn't need to use 2 iFrames anymore :)

Thanks for the help,
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