Changing ISP but retaining access to emails

22 Dec 2004
Can someone help. There must be some source of info on this.

I know that some ISPs allow access to email addresses after you leave them. Sometimes for a limited period, sometimes via dial-up only etc etc Some just don't.

There's so many combinations. Does anyone know an easy to access source for this info or is it just a case of phoning/waiting/speaking to a call centre to get the info for each ISP.

And today's problem is BT. Is it at all possible to access a btopenworld email account after switching to another ISP?

Asking the ISP in question (or their ex-users) is probably all you'll get.

IIRC you can hold on to the BT email but it costs you money. Don't quote me on that though :p
MajorPart said:
Aol is 2.95 a month to keep acess to 7 screen name email addys after you leave them.
I'm leaving them after giving my MAC code to Zen.
I personally think it's a waste of money paying £3 a month and I would rather change my e-mail address on all my correspondence - still each to his/her own :)
I still use my BT email accounts despite moving from them around four years ago.

I get my mail through Thunderbird at home, and use to access them when I'm on the road.

I've never had any issue, and don't pay anything to carry on using them. I guess they cancel any mailboxes that aren't accessed after a certain period of non-use.
I receive email on a Tiscali account - I have never used them as an ISP. The account is always there should I need to dialup when I'm out and about...
Best thing you can do is get an email that is not related to your IP.

Hotmail, gmail, a.n.other mail.

Then use that, that way you never need to have this conern again.
The_KiD said:
Best thing you can do is get an email that is not related to your IP.

Hotmail, gmail, a.n.other mail.

Then use that, that way you never need to have this conern again.
Good idea, I never thought of that!
I personally use my gmail address for this very reason. Although for some reason since migrating to Nildram last month, I can still access my old pipex email account, but not my pipex.
I still use a yahoo account that I've had for years, but I reckon Gmail would be even better as you can opt to leave a copy on the mail server.
Or if you don't fancy gmail/hotmail etc and want something less webmail-based, you could buy your own domain name. Only a few quid a year.
What CSmager said is even better.

I use my techmonkeys email for everything, plus the other benefit of having your own domain is that you can have as many email addresses as you want, obviously if your host allows it :)
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