Changing my tariff.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Ive had my Orange contract since November, and i was told then that i couldnt change my tariff.
I was messing around on the 'my account' area of the Orange website, and it gives me the option of changing my tariff.
Does that mean i can change my tariff? Or is it just a bug on the website?
Usually you can change the tariff up to a more expensive monthly one, just not cheaper (for pretty obvious reasons really), not tried with orange but you can with o2.
You can change your tariff with Orange after 3 or 6 months (I can't remember which). Best thing to do is call their billing helpline and confirm or request the change.
If its 3 months, and i can keep my student deal, i just might change my tariff. :)
I'll ring them in the morning.
You can change to a lower one after 6 months, on all tariffs apart from prem plan wich you have to stay on for the full 12 months (as of end of last year). you can at any point move to a higher tariff on all contract.

Is that right dolph?
Ive been think of dropping my tariff to the cheapest one i can, but keeping my student offer of 1000 txts.
Obviously, if you had an expensive phone, its going take a while for the network/dealer to recoup the cost of the phone back.

If you could change your tariff you may loose any benefits you received with your original price plan, such as free itemised billing etc.
I'd take a good look at the Orange Student offer T&Cs before making any changes. There could be clauses that means you lose that benefit if you change your tariff.

Also, most cashback deals from dealers rely on you staying with the same tariff. Some dealers specify in their T&C for cashback, that any changes, whether up or down, in the tariff will result in the cashback offer becoming void.
What now?

My current tariff is 100txts/200mins +1000txt student deal.
£30/month. Should have been £25, but they messed up my order.
With a SE W800i phone that they've yet to charge me for.

Potential pitfalls?
If you change your tariff you'll loose any special extras you get and you can't go back at a later stage
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