changing photo to a specific size?

21 Jun 2006
if i take a pic on my 7.2 megapixel camera how do i change it to a passport size photo for example 180 pixels high and 152 pixels wide? can it be done in

microsoft photo editor

nero phosnap viewer


windows photo and fax viewer

if not what do i need?
Irfanview is a good free resizing tool and in another thread someone else mentioned an XP PowerTool

They should be worth a go.
I don't know if this will help but if I try to resize a photo in photoshop irrespective of its original size.

I firstly open the source photo. Then

I create a new template (file, new) and set the dimensions to the size I want, just say passport photo (2" x 1.5") and set the resolution to say 300 ppi with a transparent background.

I now have two documents open.

I then drag a copy of the source photo to the target document (it might look enormous) and then close the source photo.

Then using "Image Transform" I resize the document (make sure you maintain proportions, there's more than one way of doing it) by pushing and pulling it over the template size, that way you might have bits and pieces that you don't want outside the template area.

Then click on the layer, Ctrl+A, which will put moving ants around the bounds of your new photo (2 x 1.5) and then Image Crop.

I know you are going to use another program but the principle should be the same. I've just produced my Indian Visa application photos and it worked for me.

Just hope I haven't taught you how to suck eggs? :)
No, I'm English but the wife and I are going to Goa in November and again in March and we have to produce two passport size photos when applying for a visa! We're going to Kenya (must be our thirty something's visit) for Christmas, we used to go to Kenya 3 times a year but the planes stopped flying from Manchester so we started going to Goa, this will be our 5th visit in two years. We don't need passport photos for Kenya and we obtain visas on arrival. We were there (Kenya) in March and last November. In March we did a seven day safari followed by 7 days on the beach. Certainly India must loose out on tourist who are able to go on holiday immediately but unable to obtain a visa in time. Hey we've got the best Sikh bowler since Bishen Bedi (Singh) playing to England now! :D

Best wishes
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