Changing PSU but not cables?

22 Apr 2003
So I’ve currently got a Corsair RMx 750 in my system that is working fine. It’s about 18 months old.

If I were to upgrade the PSU for a new GPU, using the same brand can I just change the actual PSU and leave the current cables in place as it will be a nightmare disconnecting everything again?

It's typically considered to be bad form to keep the same power cables but switching out the PSU. As the pin-outs on the PSU from each OEM, even under the same brand, may actually be different.

So on the "just in case" side of things, you typically keep cables from each PSU with each other and not cross use.

In theory you can check the pin outs yourself and check they're the same and then reuse if they appear the same, but I'd still err on the side of caution really.

*doh!*, seconds worth of ninja there by AlphaariusOmegan! :D
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Even PSU's from the same brand and in the same series can be from a different OEM or based on a different platform so you really need to be sure before doing this that the pinouts are identical or you could end up making a very expensive mistake.
FYI: Corsair have used standardised numbered cable... things, for awhile now, so if you're upgrading to another Corsair PSU then it's technically possible without frying everything:

But, like everyone said,.. wise, it is not.
I would highly recommend that you do not use the same cables with a different PSU, I am quite sure that can fry something, I think I saw someone on reddit doing something like this and the results were not good.
So I’ve currently got a Corsair RMx 750 in my system that is working fine. It’s about 18 months old.

If I were to upgrade the PSU for a new GPU, using the same brand can I just change the actual PSU and leave the current cables in place as it will be a nightmare disconnecting everything again?

I did it with my 850W and 650W G2's but I looked up the vender cable kits to test if the same kits were compatible on both PSU's first. EVGA has a list on the site, Corsair should list which PSU are compatible with the cable kits, if both are then the pins should in theory be the same.
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