Changing Tariff - genie

20 Jun 2005
Hi people :)

Ok, i got one of those "Genie" o2 sim cards on pay as you go, i've had it for an odd 3 years now or so. It's the one where you get 300free texts per month as long as you top it up 10 quid a month.

Here goes the question:

I ordered some new sims(free from o2) and i got them and they came with a document about the tarrif on them. There were two choices:

1) 300 free texts per month - 10 pounds top up a month ( the one which i have)

2) 100 free texts, 100 free minutes per month - 10 pounds top up per month.

I want to change to number 2 but i have no clue how, i have visited the site and looked at the document but it doesn't say :confused:

I can't open the new sims as they are not for me but for a mate, so i can't look in the manual and i don't want to change my number.

How can i change it? Hope you guys know what im getting at here, if not gimmi a shout.

Cheers :)
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