Title kind of self explantory. i am bascially wanting to know if there is any way of making it so that everytime i start up my computer (i have Media Centre Edition) it has a different wallpaper without my doing it. i know that my mum could do this on ME so i cant understand why you wouldnt be able to on MC. I am using Ultramon if that helps.
Also Ultramon says that i have only 4 days left of the free trail, however i was led to beleive that ultramon was free, is it? or do i have to buy it? if so is there anyway around this,e.g. downloading it again. I know that downloading it again is so slim of working but i just thought maybe it sillily is possible.
thank you
Also Ultramon says that i have only 4 days left of the free trail, however i was led to beleive that ultramon was free, is it? or do i have to buy it? if so is there anyway around this,e.g. downloading it again. I know that downloading it again is so slim of working but i just thought maybe it sillily is possible.
thank you