Charging for websites

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

Wondered how much ppl charge for creating websites like for example:

a) the designing aspect
b) the coding aspect

and then how long is 1 required to maintain it for until they can recharge?

I hope im not generalising as I guess whether you use php, asp, mysql etc etc is involved determines how much the price increases...i dont know does it?

All feedback would be appreciatd...

i hear ya, thanks for the advice

how about pricing tho? I know it depends on several influencing factors but lets say:

a) straightforward - css, divs, html, designing of logo, resizing images and text
b) medium - all the above but with javascript, simple php forms
c) complex - flash, php,javascript and other things i prob cant do - lol

could you attempt to price these kinda jobs for me, showing seperate fees for minor maintenance etc etc

thanks i appreciate it..
what is a fair hourly rate for a newbie/moderate comfortable individual taking into consideration *** huppy says?


p.s. just want some idea is like £15ph to high? or even £20?
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