Charity Logo Help?

6 Nov 2004
Hi folks - I know from time to time we get "please design me a logo for x" threads popping up, and I recognise it's a bit cheeky - but I know we have some very talented amateurs on here and plus in this case it's for a good cause.

Me and some mates have been toying with the idea of starting a charity for a while now and have recently got our act together and started to get it off the ground. We should be submitting our application this week to the Charity Commission this week for Universal Chance - our mission statement within this application is along these lines:

Universal Chance will aim to deliver projects that will raise money in order to improve the life of communities in countries that don’t receive the same privileges as we do in this country. This could be anything from improving education facilities to providing medical facilities or giving access to clean water.

We will maintain ongoing relationships with each community to ensure that what we have built with each community is sustainable and supported.

We will build relationships with education institutes in the UK providing the support framework, coaching and guidance to empower young people to deliver similar projects. We will develop the awareness and skills of young people in the UK who will be able to see the direct results and impacts of their actions.

We have our first project identified which is the renovation of a dilapidated school in Uganda where one of our trustee has family ties and have an event planned for late November as our initial fundraiser - a white collar boxing event at The Emirates.

We've been trying to get some logos together and the odd friend of friend has had a stab, but everything that they have come back with has been pretty nasty and/or clichéd.

Appreciate that given the broad nature of the charity it's quite a tricky brief, but if anyone has some time on the their hands and wants to contribute to our cause it would be most welcomed.

Thanks for reading.
Could a passing mod please move to HG&P? Got a few ideas that'll try and work mocks up for in the next couple of days for critique. Thanks.
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