Cheap amsterdam hotels/hostels

1 Dec 2004
We are looking to get as close to the redlight district as possible on the 7th april till the monday..

We have looked at the bulldog and flying pig downtown hostels but they are booked up, we are looking to sleep 6 or 3 double hotel rooms..

We are looking to pay around £20-£35 a night but it must be clean, no scroddy places..
Not close to the redlight district (oi oi!;)) but a great place we stayed at Hotel Arena on the South East outskirts you can get a metro into the centre though.

It has a night club which was open on a sat night, if thats your kinda thing and it was v reasonable and a nice place to stay.

BB x
Mmmm what about the Pooldog or doesn't Kadinskys (sp) have a hotel? either way there is a few on the main Singel / Spuistratt street (v.close to red light area) but the names escape me. google search may help
I've got the perfect spot for you.
We went a couple of months back 200 yards from central station.
Was fully redone last year, plasma tv's etc in all rooms.
It's called the bellevue hotel and I think i booked it through hotelsrus or something.
It's about 5 mins walk from the red light area.
The Ibis is the perfect location as Rotty suggested - my old man has an apartment in 'Dam and we stayed in there whilst fitting it out - pop out walk through china town and boom - women :D
did anyone else get lots of people trying to sell you drugs on the street when you were there, that was the only part of the place i didnt like...
nealw said:
did anyone else get lots of people trying to sell you drugs on the street when you were there, that was the only part of the place i didnt like...

Thats all over the r'light... just dip your head and ignore them - if you reply they will generally badger you....
White Tulip is awesome. Cheap as chips, and it's attached to an Irish Pub with really YUMMY food.

Right, smack bang in the red light district, stayed there every time we went. It's a hostel with very large shared rooms though, best to go in a group of ten-ish if you don't want to share with strangers (which I advise you do, you meet a lot of interesting people)

Ant :cool:
Rofl, I didn't notice that post Mohinder.

Seriously mate, it's a crime-haven. What did you think, you were going to DisneyWorld?

Ant :cool:
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