Cheap and cheerful gaming mouse with thumb buttons.

21 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I currently only play lol on my laptop and have a wireless laptop mouse (small and simple) but want to get a wired gaming mouse. I liked the look of the steel series mice but the don't have thumb buttons!

I'd prefer ambidextrous mice as I prefer them to right handed only, I used to use a razor lachesis when I played played fps games and it was the best mouse I have ever used. It's just a bit pricey for what I need for lol.

I really like my Razer Naga Hex as the 6 thumb buttons are in the perfect location and don't get in the way when gaming etc. Fairly expensive new, but if you can pick one up second hand, you're on to a winner.
Maybe you people just do not understand what ambidextrous means?!

Missed that in the OP as well.

The Steelseries Sensei Raw would be my ambidextrous recommendation.
The shape is almost the same as the old Microsoft optical mice with thumb buttons on both sides. Can be found around £32.

The only slight negative is the stiff braided cable.
If you want a gaming mouse which is ambidextrous and amazing for gaming then get a Zowie FK or Zowie AM, however they are £50 which is not really cheap... Best mouse you can get for competitive gaming though. Maybe a Steelseries Kana they can be had for £30... The zowie is much better though.... Just get a Zowie and you will not want another upgrade, Kana is alright but not great, most other mice are right handed.

Zowie + puretrak talent = beast mode activated.
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I'd say if your wanting a good all round mouse, with good all round features You'd be looking at mice from Zowie, Razer, Logitech. As your wanting a mouse which is on the budget side. that takes out Razer, and leaves Logitech and Zowie

Keeping in mind this is my personal opinion, about these mice as I've tried all of them

Zowie EC1 / EC2 - These mice are hyped to be the best mice, there good performance wise, although I feel what Zowie lack in is build quality, soon as receiving the EC1 I noticed the cable was loosely sleeved, which gave me doubts although after using it for both RTS/MMO's and FPS I feel its generally a good all round mouse. although if your a hardcore gamer, you'll soon see wear on this before long. as the build quality is somewhat dire.

Logitech - Logitech Mice have always been good build quality and great performance, although the scroll wheel in some cases for FPS games can be annoying since the G series mice came, although in future revisions they have worked on this. Sensor quality on these mice are top notch, whether using stupidly low sensitivity to high, no spin outs or lift off mayhem. neither on the Zowie

Overall I'd say go for the one which you feel would be best for you, if your looking for a good all round mouse your looking to spend 35-45ish pounds anything less than that other than a MX518 would be a unsure purchase.

If I was to call out a mouse I'd say the G500, that being if you like fast spinning scroll wheel with not a lot of feedback (It has a switch to make it clicky but sadly just doesn't feel the same)

Stock Code: KB-176-LG

Hope this helps, choosing a mouse is never easy.
I agree with most of what razMki says, except a) the build quality on the newer zowie eg. evo, fk and am is actually relatively good compared to most brands... every brand seems bad build quality compared to logitech because they have massive R&D budget b) don't buy a G500 it is a laser mouse and laser pretty much sucks... G400, Zowie evo / FK / AM erm not sure what else.
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