Cheap and decent CCTV

21 Jun 2005
Not sure if this is the right sub but I would like to get a good quality/cheapish CCTV to have looking out my bedroom window on to the drive or from the back door on to the drive. What kind of options do I have? Ideally want to spend no more than £300 or so. Ideally best quality we can get.

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How many cameras do you want to use?
I'd say 2 mate.
I've a raspi running a webcam doing the same thing, cost me £60-70 in total. If you've got a motion sensor and light covering the drive its great, otherwise webcams are terrible at night vision.

Chances are you could get a decent camera and run it from a PI otherwise a decent IP camera.

Best bet would be to check the massive CCTV thread in GD or see if there is one in the home and DIY subforum :) lots of info and people in the know there.

Cool thanks for that mate. I didn't know there was a thread on GD, I'll take a look thanks mate.
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