Cheap 2.0 webhost

22 Jul 2004
Nottingham, UK
Does anyone know a cheap 2.0 webhost.

I've got a linux plan with ixwebhosting, and they're really good.
but thier windows plans only support .net 1.1 :(
purejamie said:
I can recommend catalyst2, their cheap deal is good if you don't use too much bandwidth, I use them for several domains - support is v.good as well. Catalyst2

catalyst2 looks good. Especially the £14.09/yr plan. But do you know which plans have MS SQL dbs on them??

Which plan do you have?
purejamie said:
Hi there,

I have a couple of the 14.09 .net windows accounts - use them for some simple screenscraping duties. I'm afriad I do not know which plans have the SQL databases inclusive. However, a quick check of one of my accounts shows that adding a MySQL database is 25 quid for the year, adding a MS SQL 2000 Db is 49 quid a year. Bit of a stinger really.....


Cheers jamie, yeah that is a bit extortionate.

I think I've found a decent host, HostDone

The basic plan works out at about £17/yr and includes asp2.0 and a MS SQL db
I don't need it urgently.

I'm gonna wait a few weeks and see if any xmas special offers crop up.

I'll post back when i do though.
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