Cheap tellies are cheap for a reason. With Polaroid, you're pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel.
The main badge-manufacturing companies in Europe are Vestel in Turkey and UMC in Slovakia. If you're looking at anything other than a Sony, Samsung, LG, Panasonic*, Philips, Cello or Hisense TV, then there's a good chance it came out of the factory gates at a Vestel or UMC plant.
Both manufacturers own (or owned**) a bunch of brand names that were once household names from independent companies. Hitachi, Toshiba, Sharp**, Bush, Goodmans were all stand-alone companies making and selling their own products at some point. As the market has changed those brands either refocused or stopped trading altogether, so the marketing rights to the names were sold off.
Both UMC and Vestel offer tiered levels of product quality. I have owned a UMC-made Sharp that was pretty decent for a cheap telly. At the other end of the range is Polaroid.
Both companies will accept commissions from businesses to produce sets to order. The supermarkets did this a lot. They've always gone for the lowest grade from the main manufacturers. But when LG and Samsung couldn't get any cheaper, and even Hitachi/Sharp was still too much money, then out came Technika, Techwood and Polaroid.
If Polaroid was a pie it would be all gristle and grease. It's the no-component-too-cheap product of the TV market. You know those dodgy-looking TV 'brands' sold on Ebay and Amazon that you wouldn't touch with a bargepole? It's that, but given an air of legitimacy because it's sold through ASDA. It exists and sells because there's always a market of suckers willing to part with some cash for the telly that's £20 cheaper than the already-poor next competitor. Teyll proudly crow "I got it for cheap" as if theyre proud of buying the worst, the pits, tge dregs of the television world.
It's the lowest grade panels allied to the bare minimum of processing electronics that can still call itself a TV. It's crap. Pure and simple.
* Panasonic's cheapest TVs are made under licence for them by Vestel.