Cheap, big TV

22 Jul 2014
Just moved into a new house. Looking for a TV for the lounge. Won't be hooked up to an aerial, just used for catchup through Now TV as well as movie watching and possibly gaming.

Currently can't decide between:

Panasonic TX-40C300B for £259 - only has 16W speakers:
Panasonic TX-42A400B for £299 - 20W speakers:
Sharp LC-50CFE5101K for £329 - 16W speakers, but biggest screen for the money:

All from Tesco (possibly can get a family member who works there for buy it with their discount).

Or Samsung UE40J5100 - 20W speakers for £339 from John Lewis (for the 5 year standard warranty):

All Full HD, all have Freeview HD for if we want to hook up the aerial and pay TV license in the future.
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i may be wrong (have not checked) but if you are watching catchup services do you not need a tv license? as they tried getting university students to pay for a license even though they watch catchup from their digs?
Oh not this again. No you do not need a TV licence for catchup.
So I went for the Sharp 50" in the end. Turned up today, seems great but then I noticed a dark patch in the bottom left corner of the screen... (Yeah, the bottom right corner is dark too and the top right to a lesser extent).



Just rang Tesco to arrange a replacement.

Other than that is seems like a bargain for the price. Combined with the Now TV box 2, it'll be perfect for my use... provided I get one with a decent screen.

What has the tv been like? Looking at getting one for our living room and it seem crazy cheap for the size.

Did tesco sort the corner problem? Any motion blur?
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