Cheap bundle needed

19 Jul 2005
S. Yorkshire
I've been gaming on an HP ML115 server but I need to move that to other duties and need something to replace it.
I'm looking for a CPU/Mobo/RAM bundle that will give comparable gaming performance to the quad core opteron @ 2.2ghz, 8gb DDR2.

Quad core isn't a necessity.

I will be using an existing SSD and GTX460 so just the cpu, motherboard and ram is needed.

I used to be clued up on hardware but am in the dark on the latest AMD offerings since Phenom II, but if they have caught up with Intel I'm happy to consider them.

Budget is under £200 for the three items ideally, unless spending just a little more will result in a significant jump in performance.



Sorry, should have said that I play BF3, COD and Skyrim type games at 1920x1080.
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Is the performance of the 6770 better than a GTX460?
Some googling suggests not. So it would be down to which CPU is better given I'm using my GTX460 with either.
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