Cheap HTPC Build

25 Jul 2011
Horsham, West Sussex
Not sure if anyone will really be interested in this build, since it's low-budget, low spec, and something I quickly knocked together to go in my lounge.

A friend of mine offered me a Gigabyte GA-MA785GM-US2H mobo, with 4gb of Corsair RAM, a 9600 GT, and a 300GB HDD for £30, so I decided to build something with it.

Here is the full spec:

AMD Athlon X2 265 3.3Ghz
Gigabyte GA-MA785GM-US2H
2x Corsair CM2X2048-6400C5 800Mhz 2048MB 5-5-5-18
BFG 9600 GT OC 512MB
Gigabyte GZ-M1 Black Micro ATX
Hiper Type R 480W
Samsung HD501LJ 500GB
Samsung SH-D163C Black, 48x CD-ROM 16x DVD-ROM
Logitech Wireless Keyboard & Mouse combo

IMG_0715 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0716 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0724 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0727 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0728 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0733 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0734 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0735 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0736 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0738 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0739 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0740 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0741 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0742 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0744 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0746 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0748 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0750 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0752 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0763 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0777 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0778 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr

IMG_0805 by PMolkenthin, on Flickr
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Pictures added. It's not really an HTPC, but a reasonable PC that we can use in the lounge to browse the net, watch YouTube video's, and stream media from my PC upstairs. I also set up remote desktop so I can access either PC from either PC.
I bought a DVI -> HDMI cable to connect from the GPU to the TV, but it doesn't seem to work, it keeps switching the TV onto standby. So im just using a DVI -> VGA cable at the moment.
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Sweet, shame you havn't got the mobo i/o plate (or atleast im assuming you havn't). Its just a bit of a pet peave but the rest looks good and getting that little bundle of goodies for £30 I envy you!
Sweet, shame you havn't got the mobo i/o plate (or atleast im assuming you havn't). Its just a bit of a pet peave but the rest looks good and getting that little bundle of goodies for £30 I envy you!

The IO shield is missing, but I have contacted Gigabyte and they are sending me one. The deal was oringinally for the mobo, RAM, and GPU, but I got him to throw in the other bits because the shield was missing.
£47 AMD Athlon X2 265 3.3Ghz
£30 Gigabyte GA-MA785GM-US2H
- 2x Corsair CM2X2048-6400C5 800Mhz 2048MB 5-5-5-18
- BFG 9600 GT OC 512MB

£21 Gigabyte GZ-M1 Black Micro ATX
£0 Hiper Type R 480W
£0 Samsung HD501LJ 500GB
£10 Samsung SH-D163C Black, 48x CD-ROM 16x DVD-ROM
£20 ASUS XONAR DG Sound Card
£20 Logitech Wireless Keyboard & Mouse combo
£10 CPU Cooler

£158. The Mobo+RAM+GPU I bought from a friend for £30. The 0 value items are parts I had lying around the house.
It performs very well, so no need for any changes, since it's only used for web browsing, music and video. It plays 1080p video without any problems, so it's good enough.
The only thing that might need changing is the PSU since it's making a whining noise.
The case is cheap and cheerful. There's no luxuries in there, and it's a little crude on the inside, but it's small, neat and cheap which is what I needed.
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