Cheap Kitchen renovation - Getting all the doors painted.... Colour?

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
So rather than spend a ridiculous amount (70,000KR) on new kitchen doors, were going to get them professionally spraye/done for about 10k.

The question here is about colour choices for kitchens. Right now its "kitchen colour" white/offwhite some shade of not white. You know the colour.

Mrs Efour wants to go darker/black, ive warned her "once you go black, you don't go back"

Does anyone here have a darker kitchen? All the frames will be staying "white" and the countertops are on the lightside too.
Tiling and ceilings are "white" with no real interest in changing.

Dark Blues and Greens are popular now here but ive recently done our bathroom in a very deep blue so that's out of the question.

I think black/off black is probably the way to go although its one hell of a statement and the fingerprint issue will be 100000x worse than white.

66% of people ive asked at work say black is too far...

Opinions and pictures of your darker kitchens??

My opinion for what it is worth is you probably wont like it black when it is done.

Can you get one door done to test the look
You’re going to go through all this hassle to try and convince your missus that black is not a good idea only to end up with black doors. Donate waste your energy, accept the doors are going to be black and enjoy the time just saved. This is the way.
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