Cheap power supply for Uncle.

25 May 2013
My uncle visited last night and said he wants a computer, just happens I upgraded recently so he is having my olds parts (3570, 16GB DDR3, Asrock B75 Pro 3 M)

He wants 2x1TB HDD's and an old card just capable of supporting 2 VGA Monitors. Which I believe I have found with a splitter cable.

Now, I know next to nothing about the cheaper end of Power Supplies, so would this be OK?

He is back selling radiology equipment and does a fair bit of multitasking and thinking that should cut it.

I should add the only spare case I have, is a Fractal Design XL R2 or a Zalman Z11 I think it is, cables should reach right? It's a micro atx board possibly in a full tower.
That PSU is pretty much something I would recommend only to my worst enemy.
For start it's dishonestly named, being only 250W PSU.
And that requires assumption of that number not being dishonest.

Would keep this as starting level.
80+ Bronze design is far from modern and capacitors aren't the greatest, but at least it has decent warranty.
Cheap and psu are two things that should never go together. In my opinion the Kolink Core and KL series are barely above a generic no name psu. They have the cheapest of cheap components inside, are incapable of getting anywhere near their stated max power on the 12v rail and have a pathetic 2 year warranty. That Core series 300w you linked to can only supply 240w on the 12v rail and has a disclaimer on it stating that total 24/7 continous power should not exceed 250w so it's not a 300w psu at all. Buy a decent psu and it will last many years. The psu is not a place to save money and as this appears to be a business pc it's even more important to buy a good one. The very cheapest psu you should consider is the BeQuiet that EsaT has recommended above. Personally though I wouldn't even look at a bronze rated psu these days.
OK thanks for the feedback, just so I know what to avoid really. Well I don't use or like them personally, I only use Gold/Above when I can. I do atm. I'll go for the Be Quiet, thanks.
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