Cheap Tar N Gravel Roads

11 Jul 2009

everywhere lately they seem to be slapping this cheap and dangerous road surface down,facefull of stone's flying plus the damage to your bike fairing and every turn off road is slippy as hell due to the gravel that gets flung

just lay a proper tarmac road,its god awful surface to ride on
it still throws up garvel at slow speeds and its very slippy,fine for cars dangerous for bikes

with the road tax they have off us it should be paved with gold
seems the council are doing the rounds again with this stuff,few roads by me and one lovely country road I used to love riding/getting up to speed on ruined:(

whoever thought it up should be force fed gravel sandwiches:D

terrible for your bike,it almost grit blasts your poor fairing
It cheap that's why they do it

Is it safe to ride on? Hell no

The worst part is after the newly gravelled surface has ended and you get swathes of gravel strewn all over the tarmaced roads,so easy to slip and come off

Just burn the old surface off and re tarmac it,do a proper safer job
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