Cheap upgrade?

17 Mar 2004
Right, i've just got a new 19" TFT and the rest of my setup is quite outdated so i'm looking to upgrade.

I want to spend as little as possible, I don't mind buying second hand etc.

I use my PC for everything, web design, audio editing, listening to music and watching films. I don't often play games, but like I said i've just got a nice new TFT so I wouldn't mind a new graphics card to go with it, nothing top-end but something not too bad.

My current spec is as follows.

AMD Sempron 2400+
ASRock K7S41 motherboard
1x512MB cheap RAM
1x 40GB Western Digital Hard Drive
Cheap PSU
GForce MX440 128MB GFX card

I would like to keep my existing case - Jeantech Phong as I think it does me fine. I've got a 160GB SATA drive waiting for me too, so, I need a new CPU, motherboard, RAM, PSU and graphics card.

This PC is quite loud so if the new machine was quiet it would be a bonus!

Looking to spend about £200...Less would be better if it would be possible?

Any suggestions appreciated. :)
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